Which Stranger Things Character Are You?

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During a weekend getaway, you find yourself in an eerie forest. What's your first instinct?

Your group of friends discovers a mysterious portal to another dimension. What do you propose?

You stumble upon an old, dusty book in the library. What intrigues you the most?

Your group faces a dangerous supernatural creature. How do you contribute to the confrontation?

Your friend experiences a personal crisis. How do you support them?

Your group uncovers a government conspiracy. How do you respond?

In a high-stakes situation, what role do you naturally assume within your friend group?

You receive a mysterious message with encoded symbols. What's your approach?

Your friend is acting strangely, exhibiting supernatural abilities. How do you react?

Joyce Byers

You embody the passionate determination of Joyce Byers – driven, resilient, and fiercely protective.
Jim Hopper

You share the vigilant and investigative nature of Jim Hopper – cautious, perceptive, and always seeking the truth.
Mike Wheeler

Your courage and heroism align with Mike Wheeler – a natural leader with a strong sense of justice.
Eleven / Jane Hopper

You possess the unique abilities and insights of Eleven / Jane Hopper – powerful, empathetic, and mysterious.
Dustin Henderson

Your humor and lightheartedness mirror the spirit of Dustin Henderson – a true friend who brings joy to the group.
Lucas Sinclair

Your strategic mindset aligns with Lucas Sinclair – pragmatic, resourceful, and ready for any challenge.
Nancy Wheeler

You embody the caring and protective nature of Nancy Wheeler – compassionate, loyal, and always looking out for others.
Jonathan Byers

Your artistic and creative soul reflects Jonathan Byers – expressive, observant, and capturing moments through art.
Karen Wheeler

You prioritize safety and well-being like Karen Wheeler – practical, nurturing, and ensuring the harmony of the group.
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