Which Riverdale Character Are You?

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Your favorite weekend activity is:

A mysterious package arrives at your doorstep. What do you do?

Your friend is facing relationship troubles. How do you offer support?

In a group project, your role is most likely to be:

How do you handle stress or difficult situations?

Your go-to fashion style is:

What's your ideal vacation destination?

Your friend needs advice on a personal matter. What approach do you take?

Your preferred method of communication is:

You encounter a mystery in your town. How do you approach it?

Your ideal dinner includes:

You're hosting a feast. What's the main course?

How do you handle success and recognition?

Archie Andrews

Congratulations! You are most like Archie Andrews. You embody passion, determination, and a love for music.
Betty Cooper

You align with Betty Cooper. You possess intelligence, organization skills, and a caring nature.
Veronica Lodge

You share characteristics with Veronica Lodge. You are charismatic, fashionable, and enjoy a glamorous lifestyle.
Jughead Jones

Your traits align with Jughead Jones. You are creative, introspective, and possess a unique perspective.
Cheryl Blossom

You are akin to Cheryl Blossom. You embrace boldness, individuality, and thrive in unconventional situations.
Fred Andrews

Congratulations! You are most like Fred Andrews. You embody timeless values, wisdom, and a love for tradition.

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