Which Harry Potter Character Are You?

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Faced with an enchanted forest challenge, what's your preferred way to navigate its twists and turns?

While strolling Hogwarts, the Sorting Hat asks your favorite subject. What magical discipline captivates you?

In your Hogwarts free time, a mischievous ghost suggests an activity. What would you likely be doing?

Exploring the Forbidden Forest, a magical creature steals your heart. Which becomes your instant favorite?

Attending a magical comedy show, how would you describe your unique sense of humor that sets you apart?

What's your relationship with rules and authority?

At Flourish and Blotts, a magical object catches your eye. What's your choice?

Soaring on a Nimbus 2000 during Quidditch, which position best suits your flying abilities and mindset?

In the restricted section, a spell book intrigues you. Pick a spell that appeals to you the most:

In the Great Hall surrounded by floating candles, how do you feel about school exams?

Strolling through Hogsmeade, which magical treat earns the title of your favorite indulgence?

Amid brewing potions and mastering spells, how do you handle the magical pressures of wizarding academia?

Invited to the Floo Network, which captivating destination in the wizarding world do you choose to explore?

Seasons at Hogwarts cast their unique charm. Which season captivates you the most?

Encountering magical creatures in your travels, what's your attitude?

Harry Potter

You are most like Harry Potter! Brave, determined, and a natural leader.
Hermione Granger

You are most like Hermione Granger! Intelligent, diligent, and resourceful.
Luna Lovegood

You are most like Luna Lovegood! Eccentric, open-minded, and dreamy.
Draco Malfoy

You are most like Draco Malfoy! Ambitious, proud, and sometimes misunderstood.
Ron Weasley

You are most like Ron Weasley! Loyal, humorous, and a bit adventurous.
Ginny Weasley

You are most like Ginny Weasley! Confident, spirited, and independent.
Neville Longbottom

You are most like Neville Longbottom! Kind-hearted, resilient, and brave.
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