Which Game of Thrones Character Are You?

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When faced with a difficult decision, I am most likely to...

In a leadership role, my style tends to be...

When it comes to family, I prioritize...

My preferred method of handling enemies is...

In matters of love, I am...

When facing adversity, my first instinct is to...

In a conflict, I am more likely to trust...

My preferred form of communication is...

If given the choice, I would rather live in a world that values...

When it comes to power, I believe...

When faced with betrayal, my reaction is to...

Eddard Stark

You are most like Eddard Stark – honorable, principled, and devoted to duty.
Catelyn Stark

You are most like Catelyn Stark – strategic, thoughtful, and fiercely loyal.
Robb Stark

You are most like Robb Stark – fearless, assertive, and courageous.
Sansa Stark

You are most like Sansa Stark – adaptable, pragmatic, and resilient.
Arya Stark

You are most like Arya Stark – seeking revenge and independence.

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