Which Beef Character Are You?

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You discover your significant other has been telling people exaggerated stories about your achievements. How do you react?

Your boss unfairly takes credit for your hard work. How do you handle the situation?

You catch someone spreading false rumors about you. How do you deal with it?

Your cousin insults you in front of a group of friends. How do you respond?

Your best friend betrays you in a major way. How do you react?

You receive an anonymous gift that could either be a heartfelt gesture or a prank. How do you react?

Your sibling embarrasses you in front of your crush. How do you handle the situation?

Your coworker accidentally ruins an important project you've been working on together. How do you handle the situation?

You find out that someone close to you has been using your personal belongings without permission. How do you react?

You win a prestigious award for your achievements. How do you celebrate?

You discover your partner has been keeping a significant secret from you. How do you handle it?

You accidentally discover a coworker's personal secret that could jeopardize their career. How do you handle the situation?

Your friend accidentally spills a secret you confided in them. How do you respond?

Danny Cho

You are most like Danny Cho. You have a complex personality with a mix of vengeful tendencies and a willingness to go to great lengths for what you believe is justified.
Amy Lau

You are most like Amy Lau. Ambitious and determined, you may have inner struggles and complexities that you navigate with a calm exterior.
Isaac Cho

You are most like Isaac Cho. Jovial and playful, you enjoy a good joke and might not be afraid to break a few rules for the sake of fun.
Paul Cho

You are most like Paul Cho. While you may have good intentions, you sometimes struggle with impulsivity and a lack of consideration for others.
George Nakai

You are most like George Nakai. Kind, protective, and understanding, you prioritize harmony and seek to understand others.
Fumi Nakai

You are most like Fumi Nakai. With high expectations and a pride in your taste, you may sometimes come off as judgmental, but it stems from a desire for authenticity and connection.
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